RWTH Aachen University has a long-standing cooperation with the Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok. Dr. Garnet Kasperk is one of the organizers of the exchange program between both universities usually taking place during the excursion week.
Besides lectures of well-known professors, there are several field trips scheduled as part of the exchange program. In the last years, students visited automobile manufacturing facilities such as those of BMW Manufacturing (Thailand) Co., Ltd. or Mercedes-Benz Thailand.
Talking to company managers the students gain fruitful insights into practice. Furthermore, contact with the foreign culture enables the participants to examine economics and politics from another point of view.
The intercultural experience is strengthened through a buddy-program to get into closer contact with the Thai culture. In addition, cooperative project work is carried out.
Our program offers a great opportunity for our students to gain intercultural experience and it is highly recommended to students of every semester and study path.